Fall 2020 Season and COVID-19 Return to Play

We are opening up Registration for the Surge Fall 2020 Season. As I am sure you can imagine, this season will be quite different than seasons that you have experienced in the past. However, I want to assure you that our focus for the season will be Safety, Safety, Safety, Safety, and Safety … Safety for our players, our parents, our members, our coaches, our referees, and our volunteers.

Please keep in mind that many things are out of our hands and we will be restricted based on league policy, health officials’ recommendations, County restrictions, and City protocols. More importantly, we are eager to get feedback from our membership so that we can tailor the season in a way that is beneficial to our players.

The season will be structured on a camp-like basis that will be focused on individual skills development and small-sided game play. Each session will begin with players being spaced out and working on individual skills. The later part of the session will focus on developing game play and small-sided scrimmage. This structure will ensure that we can maintain safe distancing and limit physical interaction between players and others present on the field. As the season progresses and the environment continues to change, we will adjust the structure accordingly. Be on the lookout for more information regarding field layout and drop/off-pick/up requirements.

The Surge General Board has met multiple times throughout the off-season to develop a safe plan for return to play. Our intention is to set the season on an 8 – 10 Week schedule. It is anticipated that we can get on the fields starting Mid-Late September. Each Saturday, we will schedule multiple sessions throughout the day based on age group. For example:

U6/U79a – 1030a
U8/U1011a – 1230p
U11+1p – 230p (or later if too hot)

Based on recommendations of South Texas Youth Soccer Association (STYSA) and Capital Area Youth Soccer Association (CAYSA), we will adhere to COVID-19 Safety precautions, such as washing hands, disinfecting equipment, wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and avoiding contact with others. To ensure that we can adhere to these safety measures,
we will follow the following guidelines

  • Appoint a Safety Coordinator for the Club – this individual will assist the club in implementation safety
  • precautions and monitor our adherence to those measures
  • Group limited number of players with a single coach so that we can limit frequency of movement amongst groups
  • Wearing masks when not in active play
  • Establish entrance and exit points in order to control presence on the field(s)
  • Check temperature of each player, coach, and volunteer prior to each session
  • Maintain an attendance log
  • Limit number of spectators (only players and approved volunteers on field)
  • Allow adequate time to provide buffer for transition and entrance/exit
  • Coaches required to disinfect after each training session
  • DO NOT Mix players and coaches, so that we can limit interaction
  • DO NOT host group talks or large lined activity, so that we can maintain distancing
  • DO NOT Attend if sick; stay home if symptomatic
  • DO NOT Share, hug, or high five / NO CONTACT

Although STYSA and CAYSA have announced that clubs are permitted to return to Unrestricted Game Play, we do not feel comfortable with a Full Return to Play at this time and will balance between Phases I & II. Please see STYSA Return to Play Implementation.

Our fields are among the nicest fields south of the Red River. The fields are constantly sought out as a place for other leagues and associations. If the City of San Marcos fully opens the fields and allows others to utilize the fields, those clubs may not be required to adhere to the same precautions and guidelines that Surge has adopted. It will be important for all those involved to support our plan and help model our expectations for our players.

Registration Plan

Registration is Now OPEN. In an abundance of caution, we will not register players at the U5 level. However, we will provide access to video resources that parents can use to expose the Littles to the game. Fees have been set as follows:

Travel Team (2008-06)$140
Select (D1-invite only)$175
High School Pick Up (2005-2002) (no uniform)$40

Historically, we have struggled with keeping coaches on the field. Many of our coaches take on multiple teams so that we can field as many teams as possible. With the anticipated structure, it is our belief that we will need more coaches and volunteers. Furthermore, our coaching shortage will be highlighted by the fact that we will restrict coaches from bouncing
around from group to group. Therefore, we will be required to limit participants in order to maintain a safe and appropriate ratio between coaches and players. We believe that ratio to be 1 coach per 6-10 players. As players register and we get a definitive number of available of coaches, we will adjust the ratio accordingly and place limits on registration.

To prepare for the possibility that we will have to forego the season due to COVID-19 infection spikes or restrictions on the use of the fields, Registrants will not be required to pay until October 1st . At registration, authorization of payment through Debit/Credit Card will be required. However, if we determine that the season will not continue prior to October 1st , the authorization will be cancelled and payment will not be collected.

We are required to pay insurance through CAYSA and we must make payment by October 15th . In addition, we will have the initial expense(s) of equipment and uniform purchase. If we must Cancel the season after the October 1 st payment date, we will not be returning registration fees. Those fees will be used to cover identified expenses. We will make all
attempts to push any funds not utilized into the next season.

Surge SC, President